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Categories: Mail and Package Delivery, Office Services, Equipment and Supplies

Social Impact Categories: Sustainable Purchasing

Contract Type: University Contract

This is a secondary contract for domestic & international shipping and courier service, to be used if the services desired are not available with UPS, such as category A hazardous material. FedEx is a sustainable supplier, consistent with U-M’s values.


  • PCard

Where FedEx must be used because UPS cannot provide the specific requirement, the P-Card will be used as the payment method. We recommend establishing a new FedEx account. You may need assistance from Jennifer Henderson, FedEx Worldwide Account Manager, to update the billing method to P-Card or to establish a FedEx online profile.

Jennifer Henderson can be reached at [email protected] or (773) 332-2608.

P-Card Holders needing to establish a new FedEx account and receive negotiated rates must complete all of the following steps:

  1. Complete and submit the Request for Exception form
  2. Have a valid University P-Card
  3. Complete the FedEx account request form and send it to [email protected]. The account will be emailed to you.
  4. Once you receive the account, create a FedEx online login ID and password at and register the account.
  5. Sign up for FedEx Billing OnlinePlus- allows the account holder to review and dispute charges before they are paid. FedEx Billing Online Plus will show as a summary billing line for each payment on your P-Card statement.

Any FedEx small package invoices that are not billed to a specific account and/or were not automatically billed to a P-Card can be paid using a P-Card by calling 800-GO-FedEx (800-463-3339). Use expense type Freight/Shipping. Alternatively, a non-PO voucher can be used to pay a one-time FedEx invoice only if the unit does not have a P-Card established.

FedEx Freight:
Freight invoices under $5,000 should be paid via P-Card. Invoices over $5,000 should be paid by entering an ePro requisition (Purchase Order), leave the supplier ID blank and choose Todd Coon (tcoon) as the buyer.

Additional Information

Register for FedEx Billing Online

Close your FedEx PCard account:

If you need to close an account that is billed to a P-Card please call (800) GO-FEDEX (800-463-3339).

Shipping Hazardous Materials Resources:

Supplier Contacts:

FedEx Account Representatives:

Jennifer Henderson
Worldwide Account Manager
FedEx Healthcare Solutions
Mobile Phone: (773) 332-2608
[email protected]

Brian Stemberger
International Specialist
[email protected]

Customer Support:

U.S. Customer Service: 800.463.3339 (800 Go FedEx)

International Customer Service: 800.247.4747

Customer Account Services (Billing) 800.622.1147

FedEx Freight Service (Palletized overnight shipments) 800.332.0807

FedEx Freight (LTL) 866.393.4585

Technical Support: FedEx Ship Manager 877.339.2774

Quick Response Team “Quick Response Team” <[email protected]>

Procurement Contacts:

General Goods & Services Team