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Navigating Business Space (NBS)

Categories: Facilities, Floor Covering and Installation

Social Impact Categories: Michigan-Based, Small Business, Sustainable Purchasing, USA-Based

Contract Type: University Contract

Strategic contract for floor covering products and installation service and available only through the UManage Facilities Services Program. Floor covering is a restricted commodity. Please see Purchasing Guidelines for guidance.

This supplier also leads many green initiatives. Please see National Business Supply’s green initiatives for more information.

Purchasing Guidelines

This is a restricted commodity.

Departments need to contact the procurement agent and interior designers. Floor covering products and installation service are available only through the UManage Facilities Services Program. This service is for use by authorized university employees only. See UManage for details on how to use the UManage Facilities Services Program. All flooring installations must meet university standards. Faculty and staff should contact their units regarding carpeting replacement policy and ordering procedures.

For information on flooring standards:
Campus Interior Design
Jacquline Jeffery
Office: (734) 647-1331
Cell: (734) 660-5921
Email: [email protected]

U-M Health System Buildings
Lois Burg
Phone: (734) 763-9125
Email: [email protected]


  • M-Marketsite

Orders of $25,000 or less:
1. Vendor contacts the units and schedules appointments to review the proposed projects, look at stock flooring samples that meet university standards, and measure the areas for flooring.
2. Vendor prepares and uploads the quote to the NBS M-Marketsite punch-out. Customer receives an email with their quote # stating the quote is ready for ordering.
3. Departments approve the quote by navigating to the NBS M-Marketsite punch-out selecting their quote. It is recommended that the quote number be used as the “Dept Ref.
4. When the quote has been selected in the NBS M-Marketsite punch-out then NBS installs the carpeting
5. Departments approve the final installation and sign off on the project.
6. Invoices are processed through the university’s service unit billing method. Departments reconcile their charges. If there are discrepancies, units contact supplier. If units do not receive a satisfactory resolution, units should contact John Bogi, Contract Administrator, (734) 615-3467 or [email protected].

To place an order, log on to M-Marketsite.


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How to use M-Marketsite

For orders greater than $25,000, contact Procurement Services or the Plant Operations Call Center (734-647-2059) for assistance.

PCards are not accepted

Supplier Contacts:

For ordering contact:

Jacqueline Krystoff
Email: [email protected] 
Phone: 248-444-4286

Client Experience Coordinator:
Chris Vincent, [email protected]
Phone: 517-886-0072

To check the status of an order:
NBS will send an email confirming the receipt of your order within 2 business days. Contact customer service to check the status of an order.

Procurement Contacts:

Facilities Team