Electronic Bidding

U-M is now using an online sourcing system to request quotes, proposals, and information from existing and potential suppliers. The system has replaced the manual bidding process used in the past and allows suppliers to:

  • Participate in bid events that you’ve been invited to by Procurement Services
  • Respond to bid requests, ask questions, and adjust bids electronically
  • Review events you are currently participating in and your bid history

If you have been selected to participate in an event, you will receive a message directly from the procurement agent responsible for the bid and a system-generated email invitation to the sourcing event. This email will contain the instructions necessary to either register your account or access your bid event.

If you are a new supplier who wishes to register to be a potential bidder, see the section for prospective suppliers.

Public Bids

In support of the Uniform Guidance, U-M publicizes all RFP’s using federal funds over the simplified acquisition threshold.
Find public requests for proposal or quotation.

Have questions?

For assistance, please email the procurement agent listed on the invitation.