AVI Foodsystems
Supplier ID: 0000000126
Categories: Beverages, Coffee Service and Supply Products, Food, Beverage and Catering
Social Impact Categories: USA-Based
Contract Type: University Contract
This is a University-Wide Agreement for break-room coffee service and related items including tea, cups, creamer, juice, water, soda, snacks, and other break-room products.
Purchasing Guidelines
Set-up Account Number
- Marketsite+
Place an order by logging into Marketsite+.
Shipping & Handling
Free Shipping
Additional Information
There is university contract pricing for all items available. AVI processes and delivers university orders from their Jackson, MI distribution center.
AVI is an eSettlements supplier. Invoices will appear on your SOA as a non-PO voucher. You must have an AVI account number to purchase products. If your unit would like more information about setting up an account, contact the university Contract Administrator.