ArborOakland Group
Supplier ID: 0000465789
Categories: Offset Printing Services and Document Production, Printing and Published Products and Services, Printing, Marketing, Communication and Creative Services
Social Impact Categories: Michigan-Based, Small Business, Sustainable Purchasing, USA-Based
Contract Type: University Contract
This is a University-Wide Agreement for offset printing.
- Quote to Order (QTO)
Orders can be placed through Quote to Order.
PCards and non-QTO purchase orders are not accepted.
Additional Information
ArborOakland Group (AOG) offers:
- direct mail
- event|display & architectural graphics
- printing solutions
- kitting & fulfillment
- branded merchandise
- private branded print portals
This is an eSettlement supplier.
AOG participates in many initiatives from ISO9001 to multiple designations as a sustainable supplier.
Supplier Contacts:
For general product questions at the Ann Arbor Campus, contact:
Name: Paul Cartwright
Title: Partner
Phone: (248) 549-0150 ext. 1156
Cell: (248) 982-4820
Email: [email protected]
Name: Sandy Pettit
Title: Client Services Manager
Phone: (248) 549-0150 ext. 1127
Email: [email protected]