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Microsoft Media Products

Supplier ID: 0000004995

Categories: Computer, Telecom and Technology Equipment and Services, Software

Social Impact Categories: Sustainable Purchasing, USA-Based

Contract Type: University Contract

This is a University-Wide Agreement for Microsoft products.

This contract with Microsoft Corporation allows the distribution of commonly used Microsoft products, at significantly reduced costs, through the Microsoft Select Program.

The Microsoft Select Program is defined by the Select Master Agreement between the university and Microsoft. The Microsoft Campus Agreement is part of the Select Master Agreement. Visit the ITS web site for more information about this agreement. The agreement covers the license fees for the products. If your unit already has a CD, you do not need to purchase anything. Simply load software on your machine. Microsoft supports the university’s sustainability initiatives.

Purchasing Guidelines

U-M faculty, staff, and students can purchase Microsoft products at incredible savingsfor use on their personal computers as long as they are performing university business. Campus-licensed software is coordinated through Information Technology Services (ITS) Software Licensing and Distribution.


  • ShortCode

University of Michigan units purchase Microsoft Software Products from U-M ITS Software Licensing and Distribution.

The university’s Microsoft Campus Agreementcovers the license fees for the products. If your unit already has a CD, you do not need to purchase anything. Simply load software on your machine.

Distribution Information

You must purchase the software at your primary campus:

Ann Arbor
ITS Software Licensing and Distribution provides software for unit computers.


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Procurement Contacts:

Technology Team