Collegiate Travel Planners (CTP)—U-M’s designated travel partner—was able to obtain a refund of nearly $100,000 for over 200 eligible unused ticket credits from Delta and United Airlines.
These ticket credits are from flights originally booked with Conlin Travel, U-M’s former designated travel partner, and don’t include credits for flights that were booked directly with an airline or CTP. Ticket credits for flights booked with CTP can be viewed in the CTP Portal.
To date, over $60,000 of the nearly $100,000 recovered has been distributed to the original purchasing units. There are, however, still over 80 ticket credits (approximately $40,000) waiting to be claimed.
If you think your unit may have an unused ticket credit from a flight previously booked with Conlin Travel, please review this list of ticket refunds.
To claim a credit, send the following information to the U-M Travel Program Team by emailing or by completing the Travel Program Questions eform. Please provide:
- Ticket number from column E
- Refund amount from column H
- Shortcode to which the refund should be transferred
- Any supporting documentation for the original ticket you may have
The refunded amounts will be credited to your department in a journal entry within 14 days.