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Supplier ID: 0000634839

Categories: Courier, Delivery Services, Mail

Contract Type: University Contract

U-M users have access to eShipGlobal, a comprehensive shipping solution designed to streamline logistics for our university community. eShipGlobal is an innovative platform that offers user-friendly tools for managing shipments both domestically and internationally.


  • ShortCode

To access eShipGlobal and start your shipping process, visit the website and enter your U-M credentials.

Instructions for using eShipGlobal can be found in the TeamDynamix KnowledgeBase:


Supplier Contacts:

Contact eShipGlobal directly for support.

Phone: 972-518-1775 or 800-816-1615

Fax: 972-518-1765

Email: [email protected]

Mail: eShipGlobal, Inc.
18111 Preston Rd
Suite 650
Dallas, TX 75252