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Lucky Kitchen

Supplier ID: 0000762725

Categories: Event Services, Restaurants and Catering

Social Impact Categories: Michigan-Based, Small Business, USA-Based, Women-Owned

Contract Type: University Contract

This is a University-Wide Agreement for food and catering.

Authentic Chinese off-premise catering from appetizers to full meals. Please see the carry out menu and the catering menu.


  • ShortCode

To place an order, contact Lucky Kitchen at 734-747-9968.

Provide the following information when placing your order:

  • Shortcode to be billed
  • Department name
  • Specific delivery location with university contact & phone

Shipping & Handling

Any delivery fees will be detailed with order confirmation

Additional Information

This is an eSettlements supplier. Invoices will appear on the statement of activity as a non-PO voucher.

Supplier Contacts:

For orders or general inquiries:
Lucky Kitchen
1753 Plymouth Rd.

For catered events:
Jenny Wu
[email protected]

Procurement Contacts:

General Goods & Services Team