Richard Brothers Painting
Supplier ID: 0000161722
Categories: Facilities, Painting Services
Social Impact Categories: Michigan-Based, USA-Based
Contract Type: University Contract
This is a University-Wide Agreement for interior painting services.
This supplier is managed by the UManage program.
- Purchase Order
Projects shall not exceed $25,000.00 per request.
Orders should be placed by ePro requisition using M-Pathways contract #5500022612 Vendor ID #0000161722.
For free estimates contact:
Mike Richard
Office: (734) 424-1406
Cell: (734) 604-8529
Fax: (734) 424-1419
E-mail: [email protected]
Supplier Contacts:
For customer service, pricing, and billing, contact:
Mike Richard
Office: (734) 424-1406
Cell: (734) 604-8529
Fax: (734) 424-1419
E-mail: [email protected]