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Steelcase, Inc.

Supplier ID: 0000086309

Categories: Facilities, Furniture

Social Impact Categories: Michigan-Based, Sustainable Purchasing, USA-Based

Contract Type: University Contract

This is a University-Wide Agreement for furniture.

Purchasing Guidelines

This is a restricted commodity.

University furniture ordering policies:

Pre-order instruction: Several U-M units are listed which hold specific policies, procedures, and/or standards for ordering, and do not allow individuals to purchase furniture. a) Please review the unit contact list before initiating an order. b) If your unit is listed, contact the unit representative with ordering inquiries. See Policies and Procedures.

NOTE: Panel systems requiring electricity and/or are anchored to walls or floors must be procured by Interior Design. It is required that Interior Design be involved at the start of the project.


  • Marketsite+

Orders can be placed by logging into M-Marketsite.

PCards not accepted.

Shipping & Handling

Deep discount pricing including delivery and set-up.

Additional Information

Steelcase offers certified furniture installers, contracted designer services and online ordering for configured furniture throughout M-Marketsite.


Steelcase has identified sustainable items within their product line that are available for purchase by the University.

Sustainable products/ service

Learn more about Steelcase’s green initiatives and sustainable products.

Supplier Contacts:

Main Point of Contact
Christy Borowski (Sales and General Inquiries)
Phone: (734) 794-3040
Email: [email protected](Please email for faster service)

Design/Sales Leader
Charity Hogrefe
Phone Number: 419-351-4991
Email:[email protected]

For customer service, billing & delivery questions, warranty claims, demo requests, and web order questionscontact:
Colleen Stuart
Phone: (517) 455-7588
Fax: (517) 886-0014
E-mail:[email protected]

For Flint orders:
Larry Roemer
Cell Phone: (989) 239-2054
E-mail:[email protected]

For Flint customer service:
Kristin Grzegorczyk
Phone: (989) 414-4202
Fax: (989) 895-8545
E-mail:[email protected]

Steelcase Representative:
Kim Coleman
Phone: (348) 763-8485
E-mail:[email protected]

To check order status:

An order confirmation will come from NBS/Steelcase within 3 business days.

To inquire about the order, contact the assigned customer service representative (depending on your location or area) with the web order number that is in the order confirmation.

Procurement Contacts:

Facilities Team