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TPR, Kaplan, Enact Your Future

Supplier ID: 0000621631, 0000644789, 0000748717

Categories: Test Preparation Review Services

Social Impact Categories: USA-Based

Contract Type: University Contract

This is a University-Wide Agreement for Test Preparation Services.

Test preparation (abbreviated test prep) or exam preparation is an educational course, tutoring service, educational material, or a learning tool designed to increase students’ performance on standardized tests. Examples of these tests include entrance examinations used for admissions to institutions of higher education, such as college, business school (the GMAT), law school (the LSAT), medical school (the MCAT), and graduate school (the GRE) and qualifying examinations for admission to gifted education programs.

Participating Suppliers:

The Princeton Review(TPR)

For nearly 40 years, The Princeton Review has taught, tutored, guided, coached, and championed millions of students on to the next stage of their educational careers. Our ACT®, SAT®, GMAT®, GRE®, LSAT®, and MCAT® test preparation programs go beyond “tips and tracks” to cover everything students need for the best possible preparation: from content-area instruction to practice questions that reflect what they’ll see on the test. We offer multiple modalities including In-Person, LiveOnline™ and Online Self-Paced. Our LiveOnline and Online Self-Paced course options allow students to connect from anywhere, while our data-filled Administrator Dashboard provides deep insights into usage, progress and results, underscoring our accountability for your program’s effectiveness.

Kaplan, Inc.

Kaplan is a global educational services company offering a diverse range of programs for individuals, universities, and businesses. Founded in 1938, Kaplan’s mission is to help individuals achieve their educational and career goals through innovative learning and support services. Kaplan offers comprehensive programs for high schoolers designed to provide students with a strong academic foundation and prepare them for college and beyond. These programs may include: SAT, ACT, and AP preparation. Kaplan also offers a variety of graduate level programs to help professionals advance their careers, including: GRE, MCAT, LSAT and DAT preparation.

Enact Your Future (EnAct) In-Person and Virtual SAT and Academic Instruction and Tutoring

Our organization is dedicated to delivering exceptional educational outcomes through a unique blend of unmatched instructional development, engaging learning experiences, lasting partnerships, and agile planning. We believe that excellent teachers are the cornerstone of effective learning, which drives our investment in their continuous growth and sets us apart from our competitors. Our clients benefit from highly skilled content specialists who enhance learning experiences without the need for extensive training of existing staff. Our flexible programs are designed to fit specific needs, and our engaging instructional methods are available in both face-to-face and virtual formats. Additionally, our self-managed teams reduce administrative burdens by providing automated updates, while comprehensive evaluations deliver actionable insights on program effectiveness and areas of improvement.


  • Purchase Order

Order process:

  • Department contacts the Supplier directly
  • The supplier will work with the requesting unit to draft a Statement of Work including the following information (if applicable)
    • Project details
    • Deliverables
    • Timeline
    • Agreed upon project cost
  • Once Statement of Work is completed, the appropriate signatures must be obtained, prior to beginning the project
  • Finalized Statement of Work should be submitted to Procurement via a Marketsite+ Contract Request Form
  • After SOW is signed by Procurement, Department will submit an ePro requisition referencing the appropriate Contract ID (please obtain contract ID from Procurement Agent)

Additional Information

Payment process​​​:

Upon execution of Statement of Work, an ePro requisition/PO should be created, routed to contract ID, and issued to the supplier for the order.

Supplier Contacts:

For TPR inquiries, please contact:
Becky Ostendorf

For Kaplan inquiries, please contact:

Christine Lilley (all pre-college programs)

Kimberly Kelly (all graduate programs)

Enact Your Future
For Enact Your Future inquiries, please contact:
Steve Hachigian

Procurement Contacts:

Print and Professional Services Team