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Venue by 4M

Supplier ID: 0000822052

Categories: Event Services, Food, Beverage and Catering, Restaurants and Catering

Social Impact Categories: Michigan-Based, Small Business, Sustainable Purchasing, USA-Based, Women-Owned

Contract Type: University Contract

This is a University-Wide Agreement for restaurant and banquet services.

Venue by 4M offers 4 delicious menus and beautiful, spacious space to accommodate event groups of any size, free parking, and a full-service bar. Dine-in or takeout! Venue by 4M also offers customizable catering and event services for on-campus events. See the Venue by 4M Menu.


  • ShortCode

Contact Venue by 4M at [email protected]  or 734-800-0128

When contacting, be sure to provide the following information:

  • Shortcode to be billed
  • Department name/event location
  • Specific delivery location with University email and phone

No PCards are accepted.

Note: It is the unit’s responsibility to review all supporting documents for hosted events, including a list of attendees, to ensure compliance with university hosting policy and per person meal limits. See hosting policy.


Shipping & Handling

Any delivery fees will be detailed on the event confirmation sent to the department after the order is placed.

Additional Information

Venue by 4M is an eSettlements supplier, invoices will appear on your SOA as a non-PO voucher listing ‘Circa 1919 LLC’ as the supplier

Supplier Contacts:

Amy Chatas
[email protected]
Address: 1919 S. Industrial Hwy
Ann Arbor, MI

Procurement Contacts:

General Goods & Services Team