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Dell Technologies

Categories: Computer Equipment and Accessories, Computer Hardware Product, Computer, Telecom and Technology Equipment and Services

Social Impact Categories: Sustainable Purchasing

Contract Type: University Contract

This is a University-Wide Agreement for Dell computer hardware.

This contract includes desktops, laptops, tablets, among other items.

Purchasing Guidelines

Sponsored Approval

For the purchase of items priced $10,000 or more follow, the equipment ordering procedure. Please see Procedure for Purchasing Equipment for more information.

This contract may be used by university units when providing laptops, or other tablets and similar devices under the Tech Tools Policy. Employees must use these tools primarily (greater than 50 percent) for business purposes. The tech tools stipend model should never be used for these devices. Use of this option must be approved as described in the policy. For more information on the Tech Tools policy, see SPG 514.04.


  • Marketsite+

Orders can be placed directly on M-Marketsite.

Instructions for processing quote in punchout catalog

PCards are not accepted.

For Michigan Medicine Shoppers visit

For orders where U-M is funded by Federal Government contracts, please contact the Procurement Services Technology team at [email protected] for the required ordering procedure.

For Order Status and Return Process information please use this link:

Shipping & Handling

Free Shipping


Dell has identified sustainable items within their product line that are available for purchase by the University.

  • Sustainable products/ service

ePeat products

  • Sustainability Initiatives: Dell

Corporate Sustainability

To learn more about sustainable procurement at the University please review “Diversity and Sustainability” on the Procurement Services website.

Supplier Contacts:

Orders, Quotes, Order Status:

Brandon Zimmerman
Inside Account Manager
NA Commercial Sales-East
Phone: (512)513-2535
Email: [email protected]

Brian Teodecki
Sr. Account Executive
Phone: 248-978-6578
Email: [email protected]

Procurement Contacts:

Technology Team