Register to attend conference on sustainable food procurement!
Registration is now open for the 2025 Conference on Sustainable Food Procurement by Institutions. The event, which is presented by MDining, is...
Booking airfare in Lightning offers better pricing and 24/7 support
U-M employees sometimes ask about the differences in airfare pricing between Lightning and airline websites. Some even compare the two to determine...
Watch the January Buying Blue CoP recording and read the Q&A
Nearly 500 people attended the latest Buying Blue Community of Practice webinar to learn more about the following topics: The Procurement...
Revisions to U-M’s Tech Tools SPG
Effective January 1, 2025, SPG 501.04 on Tech Tools: Cell Phones and Portable Electronic Resources, was revised to include the following two...
Prepare for Procurement training program available for local businesses
Businesses looking to join the U-M supplier community can now participate in a virtual training program to get insight into the university's...
U-M’s expense management system to be renamed—no changes to functionality
Effective January 17, Chrome River, the expense management system used by U-M, will be known as Emburse Enterprise. There are no changes to the...
New University-Wide Agreements for document storage services
Procurement Services has awarded University-Wide Agreements for secure document storage and records management services to Vital Records Holding DBA...
New faces on board in Procurement Services
Adam Mosley, technology clerk, joined the Property Disposition Team in October. Adam comes to us from Shar Music, where he was a returns...