AVI Systems
Categories: Audiovisual Design and Equipment, Computer, Telecom and Technology Equipment and Services
Social Impact Categories: USA-Based
Contract Type: University Contract
This is a university-wide agreement for audiovisual design, equipment installation and maintenance, including projectors and Smartboards, among other items.
Purchasing Guidelines
Follow the Procedures for University Wide Product Purchases $10,000 – $75,000.
Note: When the structure of a building is changed, modified or when a utility must be physically moved or modified, the end user must first contact Plant Operations or AEC for review and approval.
- ShortCode
- Purchase Order
Orders can be placed with a shortcode by calling (248) 957-6159 or emailing
Alexis DeLisle at [email protected]
PCards are not accepted
Shipping & Handling
Free standard shipping
If requested, expedited shipping charges apply
Freight charges apply on items that are non-typically large or heavy, such as furniture, large flat panels, racks and structural products
Supplier Contacts:
For ordering or general questions contact:
Account Specialist
Alexis DeLisle
[email protected]
D: 248.957.6159
M: 248.342.8015
For Project or Quoting Inquiries contact:
Enterprise Account Manager
Jeff Rautio
[email protected]
D: 616.631.6977
M: 616.889.0676
For Contractural or general questions contact:
Area Vice President
David Overberg
[email protected]
D: 248.957.6163
M: 248.978.6839