Genewiz, LLC
Supplier ID: 0000786904
Contract Type: University Contract
This is a University-Wide Agreement for Sanger sequencing services, oligos, and gene fragment synthesis.
Samples for Sanger sequencing ship from UM drop-boxes free of charge with results delivered electronically.
- Marketsite+
To place an order login to M-Marketsite. PCards are not accepted.
Click this link for detailed instructions on how to place Sanger sequencing orders.
Click this link for detailed instructions on how to place Oligo orders.
- Effective February 1, 2021, orders must be placed through the Genewiz catalog in M-Marketsite.
- The customer portal on Genewiz’s website will be shut down for UM ordering in thenear future. If you have previously placed orders on the Genewiz website, make sure you download and save all of your data.
- Special orders for products that are unable to be placed through M-Marketsite will require ePro requisitions generated in M-Pathways. To place a special order, contact the University of Michigan Contract Administrator listed in theProcurement Contactssection.
Drop off Sanger sequencing samples in a Genewiz Dropbox located at the following locations:
- MSRB II dock.
- LSI Room 2452 (inside dock).
Samples will be picked up from the drop boxes daily at 3:00 PM Monday through Friday.
Shipping & Handling
Overnight shipping for Oilgo Flex order $25
Overnight shipping for Oligo Rapid order $12
Sipping on dry ice $50
Oligo orders worth $50 or more – free shipping
Supplier Contacts:
Emily Fish, MS
Account Manager – Genomic Services
Phone: 763-923-1267
Casey DeCesari
Sales Associate II
Cell: (619) 920-0528
Genewiz Technical Support
Phone: (877) 436-3949 ext. 2