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Green Cabs Ann Arbor

Categories: Taxi Services, Travel Services

Social Impact Categories: Michigan-Based, Small Business, USA-Based

Contract Type: University Contract

This is a strategic contract for local taxi service, including the Detroit metro area and airport.

Visit Green Cabs Ann Arbor for company information. Please be sure to call Green Cabs Ann Arbor to confirm University of Michigan discounted pricing for orders.


  • ShortCode
  • PCard

When using this contract for business purposes payment will be accepted via the University of MichiganPCard. When using the contract for personal use payment will be accepted via personal credit card.

To place an order call Green Cabs Ann Arbor 24-hours a day / 7-days a week at 734-662-4444 or online.

Please supply the following information with your order:

  • Correct credit card or shortcode to be billed
  • Department name
  • Specific pick-up / drop off information with university contact & phone.

Supplier Contacts:

For general inquiries, or to call for service, contact:

Phone: 734-662-4444

Email: [email protected]

Procurement Contacts:

General Goods & Services Team