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Landmark Associates

Supplier ID: 0000554052

Categories: General Goods and Services, Transcription, Translation, and Captioning Services

Social Impact Categories: Small Business, USA-Based

Contract Type: University Contract

This is a University-Wide Agreement for transcription services.
Landmark is a modern, reliable transcription, small business that focus on serving the Research communities since 1987. Landmark has provided accurate and timely transcription services to over 80% of the major US Universities, Government agencies, and numerous non-profit organizations.


  • Purchase Order
  • PCard

Orders can be placed via their website:

Create an ePro requisition upon receipt of invoice.

Or using a PCard will be acceptable.

Shipping & Handling

Free Shipping

Supplier Contacts:

Michael Robey


2701 East Thomas Road, Suite H

Phoenix, AZ 85016


(480) 922-1105

[email protected]

Procurement Contacts:

General Goods & Services Team