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Sohn Linen

Categories: Event Services, Event/Equipment Rental, Linen Service

Social Impact Categories: Michigan-Based, Small Business, USA-Based

Contract Type: University Contract

Sohn Linen is a Lansing, MI company that rents banquet linens & napkins, towels (dish, bar), chef coats and pants, kitchen shirts, cook pants, mats, mops, and bedroom linen. Sohn also launders U-M owned uniforms, lab coats and linen. Additional services include embroidery and other tailoring needs.


  • ShortCode

To place an order, call Sohn at (800) 292-8689. Provide the following information:

  • Shortcode to be charged
  • Department name
  • Delivery location, including U-M contact, address and phone number
  • Specific delivery instructions

Note: It is the unit’s responsibility to review all supporting documents for hosted events, including a list of attendees, to ensure compliance with university hosting policy and per person meal limits. See the hosting policy.

Supplier Contacts:

For general inquiries, or to arrange an event, contact:

Procurement Contacts:

General Goods & Services Team