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Toarmina’s Pizza & Burrito Joint

Categories: Event Services, Restaurants and Catering

Social Impact Categories: Michigan-Based, Small Business, USA-Based

Contract Type: University Contract

This is a strategic contract for food and catering. Burrito Joint offers burritos and tacos, as well as Toarmina’s Pizza. The Burrito Joint can deliver lunch to your office, or cater your next unit event at university contract pricing!

See the menuforToarmina’s Pizza&Burrito Joint.


  • ShortCode

Please call (734) 995-4040, identify yourself as a university employee using a shortcode to make a purchase. Please supply the following information with your order:

  • Shortcode to be billed
  • Department name
  • Specific delivery location with university contact & phone

No PCards are accepted.

Note: It is the unit’s responsibility to review all supporting documents for hosted events, including a list of attendees, to ensure compliance with university hosting policy and per person meal limits. See the hosting policy.

Shipping & Handling

Any delivery fees will be detailed with order confirmation

Additional Information

This is an eSettlements supplier. Invoices will appear on the statement of activity as a non-PO voucher.

Supplier Contacts:

For general inquiries, or to organize an event, contact:
1200 Packard Rd Ann Arbor, MI

Procurement Contacts:

General Goods & Services Team