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Weber’s (Catering)

Categories: Event Services, Restaurants and Catering

Social Impact Categories: Michigan-Based, USA-Based

Contract Type: University Contract

Weber’s has a strategic contract for banquets and catering. Contact Weber’s Sales and Catering staff to facilitate in planning for your special event, meeting, conference and catering needs in Ann Arbor. Please see Weber’s for more information.


  • ShortCode

Ordering Information

Contact Executive Director of Sales and Catering – Tina Hansen at (734) 794-2263 or [email protected]

Weber’s Catering Menu

  • Shortcode to be billed
  • Department name
  • Specific delivery location with university contact & phone

Note: It is the unit’s responsibility to review all supporting documents for hosted events, including a list of attendees, to ensure compliance with university hosting policy and per-person meal limits. See the hosting policy.

Additional Information

This is an eSettlements supplier. Invoices will appear on the statement of activity as a non-PO voucher.

Supplier Contacts:

Tina Hansen, Executive Director of Sales & Catering
Phone: (734) 769-3237
Email: [email protected]

Procurement Contacts:

General Goods & Services Team