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Categories: Electronic Components and Supplies, Lab and Research

Social Impact Categories: Michigan-Based, USA-Based

Contract Type: University Contract

Newark has a strategic contract for electronic and electrical products.

Purchasing Guidelines

For the purchase of items priced $5,000 or more follow, the equipment ordering procedure. Please see Procedure for Purchasing Equipment for more information.


  • M-Marketsite

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How to use M-Marketsite

The first time you access Newark’s M-Marketsite punch-out catalog you will be prompted to complete a brief User Detail form. Simply input your name, phone number, and email address to complete the one-time registration. You will not be prompted for this information again on subsequent visits.

Shipping & Handling

Free standard shipping.

Shipping charges are applied for “special shipping arrangements”.

Supplier Contacts:

For ordering and billing assistance:

Elaine French

Phone: (800) 263-9275 ext. 34653
Direct: (330) 523-4653
Email:[email protected]

For technical support, contact:
Phone: (877) 736-4835

Procurement Contacts:

Research Team